1 tariff barriers
Tariff barriers refers to the practice of blocking imports in tariff setting, tax and customs administration. Common tariff barriers: tariff peaks, tariff escalation, tariff quotas, from the amount of tariff, ad valorem tariff.
2 Barriers to customs procedures
Barriers to customs procedures normally is refers to the importer handle customs clearance procedures of the relevant authorities of the importing country, requires its very complicated or difficult to obtain the information even commercial secret information, and thus increase the cost of imported products ( custom made metal sheets ), the impact of its smoothly enter the markets of importing countries and for metal roof sheets manufacturer ; imports the national clearance procedures lengthy time-consuming, making imported products should quarter loss of trade opportunities (such as seasonal clothing, agricultural products, etc.); imposing unreasonable customs tax on imported products.
3, import restrictions
Main import ban the discriminatory to levy domestic taxes, import licensing, import quotas and other restrictions on imported products. The ban on imports in excess of the relevant WTO rules exceptions (such as GATT general exceptions provided for in Article 20, the provisions of Article 21 of the safety exception) requires the implementation of measures to restrict or prohibit the import. Domestic taxes refers to a country's domestic market, the products in circulation taxes. The Import Licensing is required by the Government of a country's importation of certain commodities prior to applying for a license issued by the relevant agencies of the government before they can be imported, otherwise it will be allowed to import. The import quota is a Government in a certain period of time (such as a quarter, half a year or a year) or less, the number or amount of imports of certain commodities be directly limit.
4, the technical barriers to trade
WTO members have the right to develop and implement the relevant provisions of the WTO "Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "TBT Agreement") designed to protect the security interests of the country or region, to protect human, animal or plant life or health, protect the environment, prevent fraud and ensure the quality of export products, such as technical regulations, standards, as well as determining whether a product conformity assessment procedures comply with the technical regulations and standards.The above measures referred to as TBT measures, concrete can be divided into three categories, namely technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.Principle but in practice, some countries (regions) is not running "TBT Agreement": as to avoid causing unnecessary obstacles to trade principle of minimal impact principles (on trade), the principle of non-discrimination (MFN and national treatment principle) equivalence principle, principle of harmony with international standards, technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, mutual recognition principle and the principle of transparency, etc., developed a complex, demanding, changing TBT measures to limit other countries (regions) access to its market . Therefore, any violation of the relevant principles of the TBT Agreement to the formulation and implementation of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures constitute technical barriers to trade.
5, the anti-dumping investigation
Export dumping is lower than the normal value, export products, related industries importer damage behavior. Breach of fair competition and fair trade criteria, are considered to be typical of unfair trade practices, and therefore must be stopped. For the purpose of protecting their own industries to prevent members of the party, the abuse of anti-dumping measures, resulting in a fair trade barriers, the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement provides for strict conditions and procedures for the implementation of anti-dumping measures "members of the party. Unreasonable use or abuse of anti-dumping investigations of such relief measures, will be the formation of trade barriers on imported products.
Tariff barriers refers to the practice of blocking imports in tariff setting, tax and customs administration. Common tariff barriers: tariff peaks, tariff escalation, tariff quotas, from the amount of tariff, ad valorem tariff.
2 Barriers to customs procedures
Barriers to customs procedures normally is refers to the importer handle customs clearance procedures of the relevant authorities of the importing country, requires its very complicated or difficult to obtain the information even commercial secret information, and thus increase the cost of imported products ( custom made metal sheets ), the impact of its smoothly enter the markets of importing countries and for metal roof sheets manufacturer ; imports the national clearance procedures lengthy time-consuming, making imported products should quarter loss of trade opportunities (such as seasonal clothing, agricultural products, etc.); imposing unreasonable customs tax on imported products.
3, import restrictions
Main import ban the discriminatory to levy domestic taxes, import licensing, import quotas and other restrictions on imported products. The ban on imports in excess of the relevant WTO rules exceptions (such as GATT general exceptions provided for in Article 20, the provisions of Article 21 of the safety exception) requires the implementation of measures to restrict or prohibit the import. Domestic taxes refers to a country's domestic market, the products in circulation taxes. The Import Licensing is required by the Government of a country's importation of certain commodities prior to applying for a license issued by the relevant agencies of the government before they can be imported, otherwise it will be allowed to import. The import quota is a Government in a certain period of time (such as a quarter, half a year or a year) or less, the number or amount of imports of certain commodities be directly limit.
4, the technical barriers to trade
WTO members have the right to develop and implement the relevant provisions of the WTO "Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "TBT Agreement") designed to protect the security interests of the country or region, to protect human, animal or plant life or health, protect the environment, prevent fraud and ensure the quality of export products, such as technical regulations, standards, as well as determining whether a product conformity assessment procedures comply with the technical regulations and standards.The above measures referred to as TBT measures, concrete can be divided into three categories, namely technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.Principle but in practice, some countries (regions) is not running "TBT Agreement": as to avoid causing unnecessary obstacles to trade principle of minimal impact principles (on trade), the principle of non-discrimination (MFN and national treatment principle) equivalence principle, principle of harmony with international standards, technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures, mutual recognition principle and the principle of transparency, etc., developed a complex, demanding, changing TBT measures to limit other countries (regions) access to its market . Therefore, any violation of the relevant principles of the TBT Agreement to the formulation and implementation of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures constitute technical barriers to trade.
5, the anti-dumping investigation
Export dumping is lower than the normal value, export products, related industries importer damage behavior. Breach of fair competition and fair trade criteria, are considered to be typical of unfair trade practices, and therefore must be stopped. For the purpose of protecting their own industries to prevent members of the party, the abuse of anti-dumping measures, resulting in a fair trade barriers, the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement provides for strict conditions and procedures for the implementation of anti-dumping measures "members of the party. Unreasonable use or abuse of anti-dumping investigations of such relief measures, will be the formation of trade barriers on imported products.
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